Introduction to the Staking of wXVC and sXVC tokens
Xave World starts with staking for wXVC and sXVC tokens. We present below everything you need to know about it.

1.What are wXVC and sXVC tokens?
wXVC and sXVC are synthetic tokens that have a value equal to 1 wXVC = 1 sXVC = 1 XVC. These were the tokens delivered in the pre-sales made to the community. Anyone who still keeps them and has not exchanged them in the swap to XVC will be able to put them in staking and get a % profit.
2. How to participate in staking.
The staking can be carried out with the synthetic tokens in any of its two variants wXVC and sXVC. They must have them in their wallets (Metamask, Trust Wallet, etc.) and have BNB available on the bep20 network to pay the transaction fee when depositing at staking.
3. Staking period.
It will be open from July 16 to 29, 2022. During this period all users will be able to deposit the unlimited amount of tokens they wish. Then from July 29 it will be closed and its tokens blocked for a period of 180 days with a fixed APR of 25% (this means that a 25% profit is generated from the total amount staked).
4. How does staking work?
Once the wXVC or sXVC funds have been deposited in the pool, they will automatically be burned without the possibility of withdrawing them again, and in return the XVC equivalent plus the 25% profit already added will be received. It should be borne in mind that both the delegated amount and the profit obtained can only be withdrawn from staking at the end of the blocking period.
After the launch of the staking we will give more information regarding where the tokens and the claim options will be displayed over time.