Land sale calendar for Q3, 2022
Over the last few months, we have been announcing the sale of Lands within the Xave World metaverse and hinting XVC holders and early adopters would have benefits for the sale and a special discount price. So, we are very happy to finally announce the Land Sale Calendar for the 3rd quarter of 2022.

*Between April 2nd and until June 8th, 5 random snapshots will be taken and the private wallets holding at least20.000 XVC, wXVC or sXVC will be considered holders. One of these snapshots, will be used to whitelist the wallets that will have access to the first presale, the other four will be used to pick 5 random winners among the holders to receive an airdrop of one free Land each on the day of the sale (5 winners per snapshot). The whitelist round will also be random, so, if you want to secure your spot in the Land sale, make sure you are holding XVC, wXVC, sXVC in your wallet from now until June 8th. 2 Snapshots have been taken already, both for the airdrops to 5 random holders, the whitelist snapshot hasn’t been taken yet.
Ready to buy your land within the Xave World metaverse?